Paper copies of any documents on our website are available free of charge. Please contact the school office.
Our senior administrator, Mrs Diplock and our admin team are happy to answer any queries you may have. Please call the office on the number below or email –
Telephone: 01329 280299
Tichborne Way, Rowner, Gosport, Hants, PO13 0BN
Please contact Tracy Diplock using the above information.
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Georgina Mulhall
Associate Headteacher: Mrs Kerry Sharpe
SEND Leader – Mrs Sarah Knoll
Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Kerry Sharpe and Ms Sharon Fuller
King’s Group Academies Company Number: 09017776
Multi-Academy Trust address:
King’s Group Academies
King’s Academy College Park
Crofton Road

Pupils and parents
We hold personal data about pupils to support teaching and learning, to provide pastoral care and to assess how the school is performing. We may also receive data about pupils from other organisations including, but not limited to, other schools, local authorities and the Department for Education.
This data includes, but is not restricted to:
- Contact details
- Results of internal assessment and externally set tests
- Data on pupil characteristics, such as ethnic group or special educational needs
- Exclusion information
- Details of any medical conditions
We will only retain the data we collect for as long as is necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it has been collected.
We will not share information about pupils with anyone without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so. Individuals who wish to receive a copy of the information that we hold about them/their child should refer to sections 8 and 9 of this policy.
We are required, by law, to pass certain information about pupils to specified external bodies, such as our local authority and the Department for Education, so that they are able to meet their statutory obligations.
We process data relating to those we employ to work at, or otherwise engage to work at, our school. The purpose of processing this data is to assist in the running of the school, including to:
- Enable individuals to be paid
- Facilitate safe recruitment
- Support the effective performance management of staff
- Improve the management of workforce data across the sector
- Inform our recruitment and retention policies
- Allow better financial modelling and planning
- Enable ethnicity and disability monitoring
- Support the work of the School Teachers’ Review Body
Staff personal data includes, but is not limited to, information such as:
- Contact details
- National Insurance numbers
- Salary information
- Qualifications
- Absence data
- Personal characteristics, including ethnic groups
- Medical information
- Outcomes of any disciplinary procedures
We will only retain the data we collect for as long as is necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it has been collected.
We will not share information about staff with third parties without consent unless the law allows us to.
We are required, by law, to pass certain information about staff to specified external bodies, such as our local authority and the Department for Education, so that they are able to meet their statutory obligations.
Any staff member wishing to see a copy of information about them that the school holds should contact the Central Finance Team