Welcome to our Service Families page. Here you will be able to find information about our Service Club and events which we will be holding. The information below regarding the use of Service Premium expenditure and impact can be found here.
Support for Children who are from Service Families
Mrs Sharpe is the Service Families representative. Should you need to contact her please pop in to see her, telephone or use the office email.
Childcare Funding
Finding suitable childcare for your children can be tricky, but there are lots of ways to help you find different types of childcare in your area. King’s Academy Rowner do have a brilliant breakfast club. For information about how you can access funding for this childcare, please visit here.
Service Team
The Service team is based at the Community Hub at King’s Academy Brune Park. They provide an array of activities throughout the year – parties, socials, cooking etc.
WEBSITE – Gosport Community Hub
FACEBOOK – Gosport Community Hub
Remembrance 2024
We were very proud that Rowner was represented at the Gosport Borough Council Remembrance Sunday Service on Sunday 10 November. The service has huge crowds – it is an important community event and many of our children were on parade today. Our children were superb ambassadors and joined our KGA Hampshire family schools presenting a wreath: Bay House, Brune Park and Rowner. Mrs Whting was delighted to chaperone the children and pleased to be joined by other KGA schools.

Service Club
Mr and Mrs Connor host our weekly Service Club on a Tuesday afternoon after school. The children participate in a variety of activity. We’ll be including an overview of the yearly activities below.