Whoop whoop – we won! We are beyond proud of the children who performed superbly this evening. We knew they would be ace but we are delighted that the judges also loved our dance. The judges also loved our lighting and our LED screen, winning us a further two more awards. Live is a huge team effort. With thanks to our families for their support in the build-up to the performance and certainly for cheering on the children this evening. Mrs Knoll and Miss Tuckley have spent hours and hours planning, prepping, and rehearsing the children. And many staff have given their time, voluntarily, to help and support. The costumes were wonderful (shout out to Ms Sewells’ mum) and without all this help we would not be able to achieve all we do for the children. So, we have a couple of weeks to rest and time to prep so we can do it all again. Roll on April!