We had an awesome celebration assembly this morning involving five balloons and lots of glitter! In the assembly, we explained the Ofsted grading system and linked it to different glitter colours. Each balloon was linked to an area of the Ofsted inspection. There was much pride in four balloons being revealed as containing silver glitter (good). When the final balloon exploded with gold glitter (outstanding) there was a huge surge of excitement in the hall. Following the Ofsted inspection on 11 and 12 October 2022, Rowner Junior School has been graded as a ‘good’ school – they saw where we are outstanding too. Ofsted grades:
Overall effectiveness: Good
Quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Outstanding Leadership and management: Good
The inspectors saw the sense of pride about being part of ‘Team Rowner’. They heard from families, who recognise the lengths leaders and staff go to. As one parent said: ‘Rowner Junior is one of the most caring and nurturing schools I know. The children are at the centre of everything they do. The opportunities available, not just within the school day, are second to none. It is more a way of life than a school.’
The school were last inspected in June 2018, when it was a Hampshire County Council school and was graded Required Improvement. The October inspection was the first time Rowner Junior School has been inspected since it joined the GFM in September 2018. During our recent inspection, Ofsted noted that pupils and staff benefit from being part of the GFM.