In the Summer Term, Year 5 (now in year 6) enjoyed learning about “The Watery World Around Us” in their Project lessons. They found out about our seas and oceans and how climate change is having a negative impact and harming the environment. The children are passionate about trying to save the planet and created “Billboards” to present their learning from the unit. Miss Daly thought they were so amazing that she sent a letter with some photos of the spectacular “Billboards” to David Attenborough. When she returned after the summer holidays, she realised that he had replied to the letter. We love, respect and admire the work of David Attenborough. We are delighted he took the time to reach out to Rowner Junior. And the children were super excited to hear about this in our celebration assembly. In his response he said:
Dear Hazel & Maple Class,
Thank you for letting me see photos of your excellent Billboards.
I am so glad you understand so much about the importance of the natural world.
Best wishes,
David Attenborough
Well done year 5!