Today, as a community, we spent the day celebrating the awesome Elizabeth with all things bee and nature themed. This included making: bee hydration stations, clay sculptures, bee bombs that were scattered, designing and creating a bee mural and tending to our bee garden. Mark, our visiting Bee Keeper captivated the children with his presentation. Our fun run, organised by Year 6, enabled us to be fit and active, enjoying our beautiful grounds and the glorious sunshine. Finishing our day, gathering as a community (parents/carers too) we were touched by the children’s memory sharing. We think Elizabeth would have approved of our day and our new bench, installed as a tribute to her, will be much cherished. To further honour Elizabeth we have a wonderful donation to make, in her name, to three charities – totals from our fundraising to follow… Our memories of a wonderful individual will never fade. RIP darling girl.

26th May 2023