We are super proud of the most recent Gosport Futures magazine. It is great to read about the successes of children at Rowner and across the GFM. Pictured on the front cover is a former Y6 Rowner pupil who now attends Y7 at Bay House. You can access the e copy by clicking here. The winter edition of the Gosport Futures follows the launch of The GFM Way. The articles illuminate, superbly, that GFM learners try their very best. The help and respect Team GFM has for one another enables an array of opportunities for the community. Engaging in learning and effective communication ensures that GFM learners achieve the best possible outcomes. The Duke of Edinburgh scheme is just one example of how our learners grow in confidence and resilience. With a focus on behaving well many GFM learners have embraced new environments through work experience placements and workshop attendance. Sporting success has been acknowledged in this edition and our sense of team encourages us all to motivate each other to be greater and aspire further. We love gardening across the GFM and the GFM campus displays an array of flowers and fresh produce. Our Primary learners were Gosport in Bloom winners and they were commended for their collaborative work. A huge congratulations to all learners who completed their SATs, GCSEs, and A levels this year, enabling them to move onto new destinations – many within the GFM, recognising that our learners achieve consistently high standards. Regardless, we yearn to be better and anticipate that our next edition of Gosport Futures will illuminate further successes of GFM learners.