We are really looking forward to an exciting Autumn Term. The school extends a particularly warm welcome to our Y3 children and their parents/carers. Y3 can look forward to having the school all to themselves, as part of our transition, tomorrow on Friday 2 September. This will help the children familiarise themselves with the site and staff. Y3 children are to return in their regular school uniform tomorrow (not PE kit) and are encouraged to be school ready by remembering: a smile – to be full of questions – prepared with a water bottle and sun hat if required – ready to tuck into a break snack, packed-lunch or school lunch – and, most importantly, not to worry – Team Rowner will help with ‘everything’.

We will be sending home our September newsletter tomorrow. It is a lengthy one so please find to read it over the weekend in order that everyone is set for a full start on Monday 5 September.

Today, Team Rowner will be joining the GFM family of schools at Bay House for a Staff Conference. INSET days are really important for Team GFM to learn, reflect and come together. We are really looking forward to our keynote speaker today: Dr John Blakey, hearing from our CEO, Director of Schooling, and especially our Young Leaders which is representative of children from across the GFM. Also, the Primary Phase has collated a welcome message for the whole of the GFM. It is gorgeous! Every class contributed to this and we will share the final message (their work was compiled over the holiday) with the children next week – to remind them of why the GFM feels like ‘home’.

We do hope you have had a lovely holiday. We can’t wait to see you!

1st September 2022