Due to a significant leak in the roof last night, lower school was too water-logged for the children to be educated onsite. Despite the children being ready to learn remotely for the day, we were delighted that the vast majority of Y3 and Y4 were based at Brune Park. The children were excited being shuttled to Brune Park by minibus and learning with their teachers in a new place. They were superb ambassadors for the school and made good use of the space and enjoyed their lunch very much. We are very lucky to have access to other GFM schools and GFM facilities to enable face to face learning to continue. The GFM are a family of schools and as such, care and help one another. This is one of the reasons we are proud to be a GFM school. For tomorrow, face to face learning will continue as normal – this includes our World Book Day activity (don’t forget to wear your PJs/onesies).

2nd March 2022