This week, during Children’s Mental Health Week, children from Rowner Junior and Gomer Junior will be coming together (virtually) to share their learning and understanding of Mental Health.
Today, in our class assembly the week will be launched. Year 5 and Year 6 will be listening to the story, ‘The Jar of Happiness’ by Aisla Burrows. Children will take time to reflect on what messages they have taken from this story and how this learning relates to their own happiness and positive mental health. They will then explore The Cognitive Triangle theory to open up discussion on the importance of mindset for our wellbeing. There is a lot we cannot control but we can control our mindset.

Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day’ Alice Morse Earl.

We all experience good days and bad days but it is important that on those bad days we are still able to recognise the good. With this in mind, the upper school, of Gomer Junior and Rowner Junior, will be ‘growing together in gratitude’ over the week by recognising what they are grateful for. Each morning, we will add to the class ‘jar of happiness’ something that has made us smile or that we are grateful for and these will be read out and celebrated in class at the end of each day.

We will hear about what lower school have been focussing on in our blog post tomorrow.

7th February 2022