As per our e mail and most recent newsletter we are supporting the Royal British Legion, again this year, with the sales of poppies and related merchandise. Children can purchase the items, as costed on the image, from the school reception. Everyday, the children will also have the opportunity to make a donation for a paper poppy via their classroom. We encourage children to wear the merchandise or a poppy, on their uniform from now until 11 November – home made, metal pin or the paper variety.
We will be having a whole school 2 minute silence, outside, at distance on 11 November. For such an important time of reflection we think it is important to do this as a whole school. We will also be organising a whole school project to help commemorate 100 years of the Royal British Legion, The Royal British Legion have been helping serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. From those who served in the First World War to the men and women of our Armed Forces today, we believe no-one should suffer for having served others. As we reflect on the achievements of the Royal British Legion over the last 100 years, we stand ready to support the British Legion with the next generation when they require support.