It has been wonderful seeing all of the children looking so smart in their school uniform.  Thank you for your continued support in ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for the school day.  We have continued to allow children to  wear their PE kit on their PE days.  This has been exceedingly successful with children being able to maximise on the time spent in their PE lessons.  However, we have noticed that not all children are wearing the correct PE kit.  For your information this includes:

  • Plain black shorts or cycling shorts – no logos
  • Plain white round neck t-shirt
  • Maroon jumper/cardigan/hoodie (ideally with school logo)
  • Socks (barefoot for indoor PE)
  • Trainers
  • Tracksuit bottoms or leggings in black (no text or logos) for winter months
  • Black base layers 

As with the school uniform, it is important that children are wearing the correct PE kit.  If children are in the same kit it ensures that pupils are not differentiated one from another because of the clothes they wear to school.  We appreciate your support with this by ensuring that your child wears the correct kit on their PE days. We look forward to the correct uniform being worn by all children as soon as possible and certainly for after half-term. Local supermarkets are great for competitively priced items.  

Our school uniform is outlined on the website and can be found here.

8th October 2021