The Primary Phase School Councillors, from both Rowner and Gomer Junior school met online, on Friday, with our Director of Schooling – Mr Walls. You will have seen a letter sent to you recently, from Mr Walls about our SAAGS – we created a website post too. SAAG stands for Schooling Scrutiny and Advisory Groups. Mr Walls talked to the children about the GFMs commitment to all its school providing a really good educations for its learners. He also talked to them about Ofsted and how Ofsted will come to our school to give an opinion about how well our schools are doing. He talked about the four areas Ofsted will give an opinion on:
- Quality of Education
- Behaviour and Attitudes
- Personal Development
- Leadership and Management
In the meeting the children talked to Mr Walls about how they could share their views of the schools, things they may like to change and outline the things they really like. The children are looking forward to feeding back to Mr Walls regularly.