This year we are delighted to once again be opening our GFM secondary schools to prospective year 7 pupils, parents and carers on the evenings of:

– Wednesday 6th October, Bay House

– Thursday 7th October, Brune Park.

Before the evenings, there will be an information presentation from our secondary Executive Headship team available to watch on our transition website. The website will be live from Monday 4th October and the video will be available from 6pm. We encourage families to watch this together before visiting our schools. Departments, specialist staff, members of our senior team and current pupils will all be available for you to meet and discuss any questions on the night. Due to the larger year group size at Bay House we have staggered arrival times to Bay House by schools. This will help maintain a steady flow of visitors throughout the evening and so we would encourage you to follow these timings wherever possible. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the evening on both sites, face coverings are optional and the spaces will be well ventilated so please wrap up warm. Unfortunately car parking is extremely limited on both sites so we advise walking or parking in nearby car parks.

We hope that you are able to join us for the Open Evening and that you will find it interesting and informative. Please read the Open Evening invitation flyer for further details. We also invite you to visit our School website: where we hope you will find a wide range of helpful information. Please be aware that this will be the only opportunity for prospective main round applicants to tour the school. If you are unable to attend and have any questions, please visit our website at the address shown above or contact either school on 02392 587931 for Bay House or 02392 616000 for Brune Park. You can also email the transition team at with any questions. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in person.


20th September 2021