We were excited to host our first whole school virtual assembly today. 132 children were logged on and we think over 150 (as siblings logged on with one device) joined us to celebrate our successes this week. We all stopped to reflect on which Gosport Futures we had demonstrated, Miss Payne reported she had been staying positive, smiling even when she was missing Team Rowner, Mrs Sharpe reflected she had been listening carefully (Miss Payne confirmed she had been) and Mrs Freeland had been aiming high in her virtual classroom and at home.
After sharing our growing learners, growing leaders and growing citizens we all opened our mics and took part in a collective round of applause. We then paused to reflect on what we could do to look after our mental health. Miss Payne told us she would be doing a 1000 piece puzzle this weekend and all members of Team Rowner were challenged to find an activity to complete that was away from screen. We will be sharing some of these in our assembly next week.